Evolutionary Art

"Evolutionary Art exploits the process of evolution to create an artwork which continually changes according to an evolutionary algorithm."
My Evo-Art gallery, click here.
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All fractal images are designed with Pyres genetic algorithm and rendered with flam3, unless differently specified.
Pyres0.3a is created by Giovanni Caria, Flam3 is created by Scott Draves.
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Wednesday, April 06, 2011

iPad 2, Fix error 1013 with iTunes

On Mac:

Open Finder

Hold down COMMAND + SHIFT keys and press ‘G’

Enter “/private/etc/” in the field and press “Go”

Find “hosts” file in the directory

Drag the file to your desktop

Open it in a text editor

Remove the line that has gs.apple.com entirely or put a # at the beginning of it to comment it out

Save the file

Drag it back to the /private/etc/ folder.

On Windows:

Locate the hosts file in one of the following directories:

Windows 95/98/Me c:\windows\hosts

Windows NT/2000/XP Pro c:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Windows XP, Vista, 7 c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts

Right click and click on “Open With…” and then click on “Notepad” on the list.

Remove the line that has gs.apple.com completely and save the file.


Creative Commons License
The fractals on this blog are distributed under a Creative Commons License.